In the News: Tennessee Billboard Act Declared Unconstitutional
In the News: The Tennessee Billboard Act of 1972, Tennessee Code Annotated 54-21-101 et seq. was recently held unconstitutional by the US District Court for the Western District of Tennessee.
Tune, Entrekin & White P.C.’s attorney, George Dean gives a thoughtful review of the matter on his blog, Tennessee Zoning & Land Use. He discusses the case and the Court’s finding that the act was over inclusive, and simultaneously under conclusive.
Mr. Dean has established himself as a leader and an expert in the legal community for his prowess in the areas of zoning & land use planning law, as well as various codes enforcement issues. George Dean is regularly invited to lecture on matters in these practice areas by industry experts, including annual conferences held by the International Code Council and its affiliated organizations.
George Dean is the principal author of “Legal Aspects of Codes Administration,” published by the International Codes Council. He has also written a number of other publications including the “Legal Handbook for Tennessee Codes Officials,” “Tennessee Zoning Boards: Practice and Procedure,” and “Land Use Law: Tennessee and Beyond.”
George frequently updates his web site, with pertinent information about the law of land use planning in Tennessee, and his blog,