
In the News: The Tennessean Features Defense Attorney Peter Strianse

In the News:  Tune, Entrekin & White P.C.’s attorney, Peter Strianse was featured this week in the Tennessean, part of the USA Today Network.

Tune, Entrekin & White’s  Peter Strianse has been featured in an article recently published by the Tennessean, in its article titled, “Need ‘one hell of a defense’? Nashville’s high-profile call Peter Strianse.”   In it, Peter Strianse is also praised as “one of the most prolific private defense attorneys in Nashville.”

The article details Peter Strianse’s path to success as a private criminal defense attorney.  It highlights his work ethic, his  reputation for meticulous work, and the presence that he holds both in, and out of the court room. 

Mr. Strianse’s commitment to his clients and his work resonates strongly throughout the article.  When speaking with writers Stacey Barchenger and Dave Boucher, he told them that, “If somebody hires you, they really expect to see you and know that you’re working on their case, that you care about what happens to them….If you’re going to do this kind of work, you need to be willing to do that.”  

When Boucher questioned about his willingness to defend some of the high-profile clients that he has represented Mr. Strianse responded sincerely and stated his firm commitment to the belief that “…everyone’s entitled to a complete defense, a good defense.  That’s what our system is built on … It’s not my job to be judging on the conduct; It’s my job to make sure their rights are protected”  The Tennessean also features Mr. Strianse, along with a number of past and present high-profile clients in this photo gallery.

Mr. Strianse is regularly involved in high-profile cases.  He frequently represents elected officials, professional athletes, lawyers and other clients who have been charged with serious criminal offenses that draw considerable attention from the media. 

Mr. Strianse’s practice focuses on federal and state criminal defense.  He utilizes his extensive litigation experience and to achieve the best possible results possible for each of his clients.  His tough but principled approach, coupled with considerable experience, has allowed him to obtain consistent results in and out of the courtroom.